Friday, May 15, 2009

Oh What a great day.

The Va brought my Dad out a hoyer lift. What is a hoyer lift and why is Heather so excited about it you wonder? It is a machine that allows me to get my dad up off of the bed and can clean under him. The new air mattress the VA gave him transfers his pressure points every 15 minutes. I only have to add pillows every hour or so. Anything that helps me with my Dad is so awesome and I truly am thankful.
Chase and Mory were here and we had the most awesome time. Cody and Erica came over a couple of nights and we had BBQ with all the kids. I got great Mother's Day pictures. Here is one below:

What a good looking group of boys. Mory and I spent a great deal of time together while Chase was a groomsman in Seth Reeser's wedding and so he went to Portland and Mory stayed with us here.  It was so nice getting to know her and share that time with her. She has come out of her shll sufficiently. It was so weird having all the kids in the house at the same time. Weird but so appreciated. It was so sweet to see Erica loving on the puppies. She missed them a lot. Mory couldn't keep her hands off of the babies and they appreciated the extra attention.  I have a bit of a cold right now. I take about 20 vitamins every night so it comes as a complete shock that I'm sick. I havent' been sick in years. Hopefully this will be a fast moving thing. I sure don't want to get my dad sick. I'm looking forward to the Boulanger trip in June. Yes siree Bob.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

 Mory and Chase are here.

This was the wing on the airplane when I flew down to Santa Barbara last year. Now my kids, Chase and Mory are here in Oregon. My kids are all going to be with me on Mothers Day!!

Tomorrow Mory and I are getting our hair weaves and manicures.

Don't forget to see my puppies @
See you soon -- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Washed, examined and the naked man

Happiness is temporary. This is so true. SO every day when I wake up in what seems like my own "personal hell" also kiddingly referred to as "Ground Hog Day" by me. You know that movie with Bill Murray where he wakes up everyday and does the exact same thing every single stinkin' day? I wake up every day to the ground hog day. Coffee must be made, dogs must go out, clean pens, fresh food and water. Vacuum around dog pens, vacuum the house. Change pee pads, get my dad coffee, start laundry. Empty the dishwasher, clean the pen in the kitchen, see who needs to be wormed and ready for shots. Get my dad something to eat. Get him more coffee even though I know he just drank 3 cups. Every day he pretends to not remember drinking the first cup. It is kind of funny because it happens EVERY SINGLE MORNING> Thus the ground Hog analogy.

When I have puppies in the nursery, I always love on them and pet them all day and that makes my happiness permanent. Dogs make the best friends. They are so damn happy for chicken jerky. They kiss me more than my kids and never talk back. (Well they do holler when they want in or out.) No, my kids do not talk back...much. We are well past the arguing/talking back stage. Now it is just watching them grow up into the people they were raised to be.

Chase and Mory will be here for Mother's Day. Happy for that. Chase is going to his friends wedding up in Portland. Mory is going to stay here with us and we are going to go to our favorite hair specialist. Caiti will get cobalt blue and hot pink this time and Mory will be getting a double colored (honey and blonde) weave. So we will have a nice day of beauty. Marissa is the best hair stylist and we like to go in because it is like we own the joint. I wish I could say they are coming up for Mother's Day but alas, Seth Reeser is getting married in Portland and Chase is a groomsmen.

I had lunch today with Cody. I picked him up at the pharmacy at Allen Creek Albys and we went to the other Albertson's (where David works) and David cooked us burgers and we had soda. It was nice. I think it was the first time David had seen Cody since he moved out. We discuseed Cody's plans for when Chase was here and when he planned to be able to come over. David spent the whole day behind his store cooking cheeseburgers and hot dogs for his employees and their families. "Employee appreciation" is what he calls it. It rained A LOT> So he stood in the rain for hours cooking/bbq for his people. He is a good man. He is a good boss and one of the things I respect most about him is that he does not just stand around ordering other people to do work. HE works harder than anyone else I know. I think he will have his Masters Degree next May. Where will we end up? I don't know. I will go anywhere in Oregon. I don't want to move a long way away from my sisters or children for money.

Maybe he will be promoted and we stay in the same area. I love my land. I love where I live. I love my privacy, I love my aninimity, I love knowing nothing about my neighbors nor them about me. Living in the woods is the best place to live if you like the country. Every trip into town in a "deal" now. It's not like when we lived in town we would drive to Walmart in the bat of an eye. Now we plan one trip for everything. Funny how that is.

Someone who reads my blogs asked me for more details about my "Naked man" in a previous blog about my childhood. I remembered something about him that I thought I had previously blogged. I used to have to keep him dressed. That sounds easy enough huh? Well, he liked to be naked A LOT. When I was having a 14th birthday party at my house (We owned and ran and lived in the retirement home) my friends and I had stayed up late and swam in the pond and finally went to sleep. We were so exhausted and finally fell asleep about 1:30. Well, come 3 AM my naked man came into the room we were sleeping buck naked and turned the light on. Lots of screaming ensued. My friends were so horrified seeing a ghost white naked man standing in the doorway. They called their Mom's and my Mom had to explain a lot to the parents. I ended up with no friends left for the rest of the sleep over.
I didn't pout or feel sorry for myself.. I could not understand what the big deal was. I had been raised with old people most of my life. Big deal. Naked man... just another time to get him dressed. I smile now as I remember this episode. I'm smiling because now I realize what it must have felt like to be one of those girls parents. "Mom, please come get me. A naked man just came into the room where we were sleeping and turned the light on and was calling for Heather." cry cry whine etc. No feeling like ...By this time I had helped bathe every person in the retirement home and thought nothing of a dick and ball sack. Just something else that had to be washed. Meant absolutely nothing to me. YOu know, the experiences I had as a child, like the naked man have helped me with my adult life. You see I hate going to see the OBGYN for the yearly check up. I mean I HATE it. The only way I could get through is it to think that the woman doctor had seen so many vagina's in her life that mine (although special to me) is nothing big. Just like how I thought about the old mens genitals. No big deal. All the same something else needing to be washed or examined.